?? Question of the Day? Do you like bugs that crawl, hop or fly? Why?
Alphabet Countdown - P for P.J. day - wear your P.J.'s to school today
Art - Using recycled items create your own bug. Don't forget to give it legs so it can crawl, wings so it can fly and eyes. Be creative and ask Mom and Dad for help finding items to put together. Will it be huge or super little? Give your bug a name and send me a picture please.
Reminder: Friday is Pick-up and Drop off at school. Please bring your library book back and come to get your end of the year items to put in your 3 ring binder, your special project to make with Mom and other items from your mailbox. May 15 (date was changed due to weather) we will have pick up from 10am - 12pm. The items will be in the back parking lot in alphabetical order by family. The teachers will be there from 11- 11:30am for a drive by "hello" if you are available.
Group time: Story - Over In The Garden by Jennifer Ward illustrated by Kenneth J Spengler
I love lady bugs but only the red and black ones. I don’t like the lady bugs that bite!
13 thg 5, 2020
Roman likes bugs that fly the best!
13 thg 5, 2020
Zoey said she likes bugs that flutter because she loves butterflies! She also said bugs that crawl because she loves worms and that they wiggle in her hand! She started a worm rescue!😂
I like lady bugs and butterflies!
I like lady bugs and butterflies!
I love lady bugs but only the red and black ones. I don’t like the lady bugs that bite!
Roman likes bugs that fly the best!
Zoey said she likes bugs that flutter because she loves butterflies! She also said bugs that crawl because she loves worms and that they wiggle in her hand! She started a worm rescue!😂