Asher's dad has been working for four weeks straight so Mothers day was just a normal day. We did go visit Asher's Great Grandma and Great Grandpas at the cemetery to put flowers out.
May 13, 2020
Sorry I couldnt log in earlier to post David's response. We spent the day getting some projects around the house and playing games.
May 12, 2020
Jackson cleaned his room for mom and helped pick up the living room. Jackson also played quietly in his room with legos and cars.
Jennifer Dunkleberger
May 12, 2020
The kiddos made thoughtful cards, we got to decorate our own donuts, went out for take out then brought it home for dinner :)
May 12, 2020
Roman helped make breakfast in bed for mom. We ordered out for supper and got ice cream before supper.
Asher's dad has been working for four weeks straight so Mothers day was just a normal day. We did go visit Asher's Great Grandma and Great Grandpas at the cemetery to put flowers out.
Sorry I couldnt log in earlier to post David's response. We spent the day getting some projects around the house and playing games.
Jackson cleaned his room for mom and helped pick up the living room. Jackson also played quietly in his room with legos and cars.
The kiddos made thoughtful cards, we got to decorate our own donuts, went out for take out then brought it home for dinner :)
Roman helped make breakfast in bed for mom. We ordered out for supper and got ice cream before supper.