Hello to day two of blog posting. I hope everyone enjoyed the many, many videos from yesterday. Hopefully today will go a little smoother with less time spent and only one or two videos.
?? Question of the Day: What Y item can you find in your house? This is a difficult letter so you might need help from Mom or Dad.
For Art: Using the sun or a flashlight, set up a few toys next to a piece of white paper to create a shadow on your paper. Trace the shadow and then color it any way you like. Please send me a picture of your work to my school email.
Outdoor time: Go on a Spring walk - see if you can see or hear any animals or bugs. Spring animals to look for might include: robins, finches,squirrels, rabbits, bugs. Remember what you see for our question of the day on tomorrow's blog.
Grouptime: oops story is by Lisa Campbell Ernst (not Frost)
Eli found a yellow transformer, Bumblee!
Jackson found a yellow lego.
We had a hard time but did find a yellow excavator.
Kaylee found yarn, yardstick, McKenna's yearbook, yogurt, Yeti tumbler, Yahtzee game.
Lucas found a yellow banana on the counter